Thursday, February 4, 2010

rusty razors, etc

sunday afternoon i was hungover. my coffee and scrambled eggs had worn off and i was fading into a daze where the only things existing are what's in front of me. which was a window and beyond that some gray clouds. i think i was listening to wolves in the throne room, which just made me even more dazed out. anyhoo, all this was while i was cleaning the windows at my favorite place, Treasure City Thrift store (your one stop shop for hip ass shit). i had scrapped the sticker and tape off all of them and was wiping the left over residue with some weird chemical residue solvent from an aerosol can and feeling slightly guilty about it, but too tired and too mad at the windows and our old slumlord to not use it. maybe i was also having a macho i need to prove i can do everything really fucking well and be needed moments.
so this is the equation:
hungover + dazed + dreamy + wolves in the throne room + guilt + mad
and what is equals is preoccupied.
and i totally cut my finger open on the rusty razor i was using to scrape this last bit of shit off the window. it barely bled, it was not at all as exciting as cutting a beet. but was more dangerous. i washed it 3 times with out the dirt coming off my hands. the 4th time some dirt came off. there's no hot water at our old building (see slumlord), but i was lucky enough to have a friend bring me some crazy neosporain-esk stuff he had squeezed in a plastic bag and a band aid. however, i'm not sure if these things fully protected my finger from the lot filled with used condoms, trash, dirt, pee smelling clothes and a bag left over from a composting toilet. so today, i got a tetanus shot from a man who looked like santa.

i only hope i got it in time. so i won't become this guy:

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