me: are fire ants one of god's creatures?
cha cha: Hey, b4 we answer, pls help us personalize ChaCha to better meet ur needs. just answer 4 short Qs! Q1. what is your gender? txt MALE or FEMALE back to us.
(cha cha doesn't understand that sex and gender are 2 different things)
cha cha: Q2: What type of phone are you using? Txt 1-Windows Mbl, 2-iPhone, 3-Blckbry, 6-other phone w/web, 7-other non-web phone
me: 7
cha cha: *duplicate* Q2: What type of phone are you using? Txt 1-Windows Mbl, 2-iPhone, 3-Blckbry, 6-other phone w/web, 7-other non-web phone
me: 7-other non-web phone
cha cha: we could chacha much better if we knew ur phone: Txt 1-Windows Mbl, 2-iPhone, 3-Blckbry, 6-other phone w/web, 7-other non-web phone
me: 7-other non-web phone
cha cha: WOOT! you're nearly half way done with our survey! Txt 1-Windows Mbl, 2-iPhone, 3-Blckbry, 6-other phone w/web, 7-other non-web phone
me: 7
cha cha: we'd love 2 ans ur Q, but we cant til we know ur phone: Txt 1-Windows Mbl, 2-iPhone, 3-Blckbry, 6-other phone w/web, 7-other non-web phone
me: other non web phone
cha cha: Q3: What's ur ZIP? This helps us answer ur Qs better and hook u up with Hot Deals on food, fashion, fun!... Txt ur Zip code like this example: 71659
me: 78722
cha cha: *duplicate* Q3: What's ur ZIP? This helps us answer ur Qs better and hook u up with Hot Deals on food, fashion, fun!... Txt ur Zip code like this example: 71659
me: 78722
cha cha: No worries, ur info is safe w/ChaCha, and if we know ur ZIP we can give u better answers on MovieTimes, 411 and deals that matter 2 U! Txt like this: 71659
(does cha cha know i'm lying by 4 blocks??)
me: 78722
cha cha: Don't give up now! Ur already halfway done w/our survey and then u can get more ChaCah answers! Txt ur Zip Code like this example: 71659
me: 78722
cha cha: Hey, if u don't complete r mini survey we can't continue 2 provide answers! Ur nearly done! Txt ur Zip Code like this example: 71659
me: 78722
cha cha: Aargh, if u don't complete r mini survey we can't continue 2 provide answers! you're nearly done! Txt ur Zip Code like this example: 71659
me: 71659
cha cha: News flash: If u don't complete r mini survey we can't continue 2 provide answers! Ur nearly done! Txt ur Zip Code like this example: 71659
me: news flash i have sent my zip 5 times! 78722
cha cha: Stuck on this survey Q even tho you're trying? Go 2 customer.relations@chacha.com, and send us an email with 'SURVEY' in the Subject line. We'll rescue u!
i email "customer.relations@chacha.com" the conversation.
an hour later i still haven't heard back, and i can't wait much longer.
me: 78722
cha cha: Last Question! Q4: what is your age? Text your birthday in month.day.year format, ex. 06.09.90
me: 02.01.87
cha cha: *duplicate* Last Question! Q4: what is your age? Text your birthday in month.day.year format, ex. 06.09.90
me: 02.01.87
cha cha: Xbox or reading glasses? We can give u cool offers if we know ur age. Just txt ur birthday in month.day.year format, ex. 06.02.90 Ur nearly done!
i don't want a fucking "Xbox", i want to know if fire ants are god's creatures!
me: 02.01.1987
cha cha: That's it! Thanks for taking the time to make our service more useful to you. The Answer to your question is on its way! ChaCha on!
my answer?!!?!?
after 20 minutes i still haven't gotten "The Answer". i text again.
me: are fire ants one of god's creatures?
cha cha: call 631-403-2055 if you love America!
cha cha: ChaCha Crystal Ball says: This is the first time I've really changed my mind, my insides are crystal clear and the answer is YES!
10 minutes later
cha cha: *duplex* That's it! Thanks for taking the time to make our service more useful to you. The Answer to your question is on its way! ChaCha on!
cha cha: Ur girlfriend called- she's got a message for u:781-452-4079
what girlfriend?
cha cha: Yes, ants are definitely living, breathing creatures, although ants, like all insects, don't have lungs. They breath through tiny holes in their sides called spiracles, one pair per segment. ChaCha!
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