dislike*losing my kitten
*huge crowds of old hipsters acting like frat boys
*sxsw (similar to above)
*having to share small kitchens
*being honked at
*being reminded of nightmares
*fucked up use of resources
*frat boys
*a majority of college students (see fucked up use of resources)
*partners with bad communication
*friends being sad (although sometimes that creates good being sad together opportunities or good opportunities to think of ways to cheer them up)
*lady friends catering to guys in ways which sacrifice themselves
*repetition of fucked up societal dynamics in relationships (both in mine and others)
*indecisiveness (both my own and others)
*tarot card readings that prove the horrible thing i already thought
*people not being aware of the physical/verbal/etc space they take up
*realizing that i'm not being aware of that myself
*underlying racism that's hard to call out
*transphobia and lack of respect/understand of trans issues
*people who can't see past gender roles
*feelings of defeat
*stupid questions
*customers who call from bad cell phones and then get mad at me for not being able to understand them
*our point of sales system
*rude customers
*rude cashiers
*that i'm shitty at sending letters/packages
*missing friends
*rude hipsters
*hipsters benefiting from the oppression of working class people and people of color
*hipsters making fun of the working class people who's oppression they often benefit from
*bitch as an insult
*stressful family situations
*people talking really loud
*feeling like a giant monster trapped inside a small woman
*sizism, and lack of recognition of sizism
*when my dogs bark while i'm in a bad mood
*feeling like i can't learn new things
*50% of the time sex
*finding out what assholes 1/2 the bands i like are
*the fact that my favorite kind of music (punk/metal) and favorite movies (horror) are both riddled with machismo, misogyny and occasional (or often) straight up dumbness
*that shitty band that always plays the farmer's market and thinks they're blues
*when that shitty band gets the lyrics of the covers they're doing wrong
*when that shitty band thinks that bod dylan wrote traditional gospel and country songs
*when that shitty bands plays late
*friends reminding me that i'm a ferocious, compassionate, badass who can do anything
*telling my friends how amazing, smart, self aware and badass they are and how they can do anything
*seeing wild animals
*remembering that i'm wild
*learning new things
*having fantasies about fire dancing while doing other things
*having fantasies about sex while doing other things
*seeing pictures of bands i like that are now 30-40, when they were 15, wearing iron maiden shirts and torn jeans
*bitch as a complement
*cunt as a compliment
*eating burdock root
*finding dead animals and taking their bones
*polite people
*girls who draw on mustaches
*boys who wear glasses
*going beyond radical politics to radical relationships and radical community
*bonding with women
*getting to know women
*drinking with my sister
*treasure city thrift store
*open windows when it's warm
*100 degree weather
*when my dogs smile at me
*when i can sleep in and my cat is cuddly
*polar bears and the fact that they can kill me
*the idea of live polar bears as fashion and friends
*cooking with friends
*cooking for friends
*friends cooking for me
*pieces of metal (in all forms)
*the smell of certain kinds of metal
*the song "metal is forever"
*iced tea
*the concept of the word "beet" replacing the word "beat"
*the concept of the word "beet" replacing other words (primarily nouns)
*mad libs
*the idea of the apocalypse
*apocalyptic movies
*respectful friends
*respectful hook ups
*intimate friendships
*having friends come into town
*being able to cheer people up
*hearing a good friend say "i love you"
*spying on stray cats and then pretending i wasn't watching them when they stop licking themselves and look at me
*black and white cats
*the way cats smell
*the way horses smell
*wild horses and the fact they still exist
*making up games with friends
*being left alone when i want to be or ask to be
*windchimes made from soup cans by me
*the moon
*bamboo forests (when they're not filled with mosquitoes)
*thinking about witches use ecotage spells
*the concept of making things out of bones
*alone time
*pine trees
*doing things myself
*doing things together
*smoking cigarettes with friends
*when people check in with me
*dreams about swamps
*willow trees
*using my hands
*finding treasures